


Általános ipar


Introducing AXON: The Future of Corded Tool Management

January 15, 2025

AXON: Revolutionizing the Management of Corded Tool Solutions

We are thrilled to announce the launch of AXON, a revolutionary new tightening platform designed to transform the way you manage your Desoutter corded solution. The AXON Terminal is set to redefine torque management across all tool types to deliver unparalleled accuracy, traceability, flexibility, and efficiency.

One solution, multiple tools

For the first time, AXON allows you to control all type of corded tools – handheld, pistol, or spindles – on a single platform. It can handle torque ranges from 0.5 Nm to more than 2000 Nm, providing the flexibility you need to meet the most demanding fastening applications.

Comprising a central drive with a module, AXON is fully integrated with all the relevant digital and process control solutions to allow valuable data to be collected and analysed. This makes it easy to identify bottlenecks, streamline workflows and improve overall efficiency to unlock the full potential of your production lines.

Flexible and efficient

As a single, integrated solution, AXON is flexible and scalable to meet changing demands and reduces the number of components on your assembly line. Its unique design interface with separate drive and module enables efficient line rebalancing and makes training easier, eliminating line reconfiguration and saving you valuable time and resources.

AXON also offers data security and accessibility. The embedded web user interface allows users secure access to live data from any connected device at any time, and there is no limit to the number of people that can access the platform simultaneously. This gives much greater flexibility to interrogate, share and manage torque data across your teams.

More benefits

Compact and lightweight, AXON is more than just a simple platform for tightening, especially when it is integrated on the Desoutter Ecosystem. Offering true forwards and backwards compatibility, AXON can be used in conjunction with other Desoutter equipment including Demeter dashboards, Pivotware process control and screwfeeder solutions.

Get ready

to unlock the full potential of your production line!

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